Energy-Saving Tips To Slash Your Electricity Bills

By Joshua Chadwick June 19th

With the rising costs of electricity across the states of Australia, energy-saving-savvy Aussies are looking everywhere to cut costs on their energy usage.

From switching out light bulbs to making sure you set everything to a timer, Australians are coming up with some pretty unique techniques to save on the amount of energy costs they go through on a day-to-day basis.

To make sure you’re not missing out on some genius tricks of the trade, we’ve provided a list of saving tips to make sure your energy bills aren’t causing your brain to short-circuit!

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Beware The Phantom Load

One of the secret energy consumers is appliances that utilise standby power, which can commonly be referred to as “vampire power” for good reason.

These appliances may appear to be turned off by display but with a quick flick of a switch or the touch of a button, they’ll be ready to use (because they’re still using power!) This could range from air conditioners that are still switched on at the power outlet on the wall even though it’s winter, to phone chargers still plugged into your 100% charged phone.

The best way to save your bill from this sneaky form of energy consumption is to follow a general “power off” rule. Any appliance that isn’t in use should be switched off at the power point on the wall, providing a guaranteed way to cut off standby costs and lower the phantom load on the electricity bill.

Did you know?

Homes across Australia to attribute up to 10% of their electricity bill to standby power, according to EnergyAustralia.

You can find out more about the cost of leaving appliances on standby here!

Take Advantage Of The Day

While this tip may be more handy during the warmer months, utilising the natural light of the sun during the day is a great way to keep the house nice and bright without the use of artificial lighting.

This can be achieved rather easily by opening up a couple of curtains and blinds during the day, allowing for less energy to be used and even providing a warm alternative to A/C in the summer (and also a great way of getting some vitamin D while you relax!)

Use The Power Of Natural Ventilation

Speaking of utilising the outdoors, making the most of natural ventilation is a great way to keep cool while it’s running hot outside.

Instead of relying solely on air conditioning during the warmer months, consider opening windows when the cold air arrives in the evening to provide a natural cool throughout your home. Additionally, be sure to close curtains when it’s chilly outside to retain as much heat as you can inside!

If you’re feeling strategic, place fans (not too many!) to create cross breezes to promote airflow and keep your space cool and comfortable without excessive energy consumption.

Thermostat Strategy

This one’s for the more tech-savvy savers or those who are ready to step up their temperature control game!

Installing a programmable or smart thermostat will optimise your home’s temperature settings. Set it to lower or raise the temperature when you’re away or asleep to save on heating and cooling costs.

Allowing for a set temperature at certain times of day will also save energy use and help you stay comfortable with great energy efficiency.

Embrace Energy-Efficient Lighting

Switching to energy-efficient lighting options is a simple yet effective way to save on electricity costs.

Replace traditional incandescent bulbs with LED (light-emitting diode) bulbs, which use significantly less energy and last much longer. LEDs are available in various colour temperatures and can provide the same brightness as conventional bulbs while consuming up to 80% less electricity.

Consider installing motion sensors or timers for outdoor lighting to ensure they’re only active when needed. This eliminates the chance of lights being left on unintentionally and helps you save energy.

Watch The Water Usage

Whether it be an abundance of hot water in the shower or just letting the washing machine run rampant for two pairs of socks, water usage needs to be monitored for energy running costs.

Conserve water through some simple methods, like taking shorter showers, installing water-saving fixtures like low-flow shower heads and faucets, and sealing any visible leaks as soon as possible.

Weatherstrip doors and windows, door seal gaps, and more can quickly fix leaks and insulate your home properly in the process. This helps prevent drafts, keeps your home comfortable, and reduces the workload on your heating and cooling systems.

Appliance Hacks

Just because you’re trying to be energy efficient doesn’t mean you have to cut out the use of laundry appliances to wash clothes.

Instead, wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible, and consider air-drying them instead of using the clothes dryer. Also, clean the lint filter after each use to improve dryer efficiency.

Another handy tip for when it’s time to replace appliances is to choose Energy Star-certified models. They are designed to consume less energy without compromising performance and provide sustainability with fewer harmful emissions while keeping a great energy rating.

Key Tips

  • Appliances on standby power use energy even when seemingly turned off.
  • Follow a “power off” rule and switch off appliances at the power point to eliminate standby costs.
  • Use natural sunlight to keep your home bright and reduce the need for artificial lighting.
  • Open curtains and blinds during the day for natural light and warmth.
  • Open windows in the evening for natural cooling instead of relying solely on air conditioning.
  • Place fans strategically to create cross breezes and promote airflow.
  • Install a programmable or smart thermostat to optimize temperature settings.
  • Set temperature lower or higher when away or asleep to save on heating and cooling costs.
  • Replace traditional bulbs with energy-efficient LED bulbs to save up to 80% on electricity.
  • Use motion sensors or timers for outdoor lighting to reduce unnecessary energy use.
  • Conserve water through shorter showers and installing water-saving fixtures.
  • Fix leaks and properly insulate doors and windows to reduce heating and cooling energy consumption.
  • Wash clothes in cold water and air-dry them to save energy.
  • Choose Energy Star-certified appliances for energy efficiency and sustainability.

Remember, these tips may seem small individually, but when combined, they can make a significant impact on your energy consumption and savings. So go ahead, embrace the power of energy efficiency, and watch those bills shrink!

For any questions about moving home as a whole, we’ve put together the ultimate guide to moving house, which you can check out here. If you’re looking to get an early start on maintaining your new home, check out our home maintenance checklist here.

If you need help getting your utilities connected sorted, please call MyConnect on 1300 854 478 or use the Get Connected form here! All residents from Victoria (VIC), Queensland (QLD), New South Wales (NSW), Australian Capital Territory (ACT), and South Australia (SA) can get connected this very business day. If you’re a first home buyer and you’re unsure about using a utility connection company, this post here can assist you.

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Joshua Chadwick
Joshua Chadwick